Site Policy
Site Policy
This site is designed to provide information to enable everyone to better understand the activities of Sinanen Holdings Co., Ltd. and its affiliated companies. Please understand that by viewing, using, and downloading information posted on this site, you are considered to have agreed to the following items:
Copyrights, etc.
All content posted on this site is the property of Sinanen Holdings Co., Ltd. and their respective owners and are protected by copyright laws and other related legislation.
It is prohibited to use content without permission of the Company or the respective content owners (including copying, quotation, change, posting, transmission, distribution, sale, etc.) exceeding the scope of private use under the Copyright Act and those that are explicitly approved under other laws.
The Company makes no guarantee of the use of any information posted on this site (including other sites linked with this site).
The Company will not be held responsible for any damage caused by the use of this site or damage caused by updating of information or interruption, suspension, or termination, etc. of this site.
About changes to content
All information and URLs provided on this site are subject to change or termination without prior notice.
Links to the site
If you wish to link to this site, please apply for approval from the Company in advance. To obtain approval, please contact the Company from the "Contact" field. In doing so, please state the name of the person in charge, contact information (address, telephone number, email address), content of the website to be linked to, purpose of linking, and URL.
In the event that the Company approves the link, the Company will always contact the applicants. Therefore, it is strictly prohibited to set a link before receiving approval.
About posting on various media
Please contact the Company in advance when you wish to post this site or information related to this site on any form of media. To acquire approval, please contact the Company from the "Contact" field on this site or the Company's PR section.
About inquiries
Should you have any comments or inquiries regarding this site or the Company, please contact us from the "Contact" field on this site.
We make every effort to respond to inquiries from users. However, please know in advance that there are cases when we are unable to respond due to the content of the inquiry.
Established on October 1, 2015
Sinanen Holdings Co., Ltd.
Taro Nakagome, President and CEO
Operating environment for this site
The recommended web browsers for this site are as follows: (As of October 1, 2017)
Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 or later
Microsoft Internet Explorer 11.x, latest version
Google Chrome latest version
Mozilla Firefox latest version
Mac OS 10.11 or later
Safari latest version
Google Chrome latest version
Mozilla Firefox latest version
About JavaScript
This site uses JavaScript.
Please enable JavaScript in your browser before using this website.
If JavaScript is disabled, some services may not be available.
Use of cookies
(1) The websites of the Sinanen HD Group companies may use cookies or similar technologies to obtain and use information on users' activity history for the purpose of improving the convenience of users browsing the websites, improving the performance of the websites themselves, improving and enhancing the content of services, and displaying appropriate advertising. Although users may disable cookies by changing the settings of their website browsing software (browser), but please note that this may prevent the use of some website features.
(2) Websites of Sinanen HD Group companies use Google Analytics, an access analysis tool provided by Google LLC. Google Analytics also uses cookies to provide the tool provider with information on the user's activity history. This information may be used to deliver advertisements, etc. to users, conducted by Google. Please refer to the following URL for the method to disable (opt-out) the provision of information to such tools.
About plugins and applications
This site provides content using the following plugins and applications.
If the above have not been installed, please visit the following websites to download necessary items.

- BtoC Business(Retail/Wholesale Energy&Related Business)
Melife-West Co., Ltd.
Melife Co., Ltd.
Melife-East Co., Ltd.
- BtoB Business(Energy Solution Business)
Sinanen Co., Ltd.