Basic Information

Basic Information

Basic Information

As of March 31, 2024.

Stock Overview

Issuable Shares 47,520,600
Issued Shares 13,046,591
Number of shareholders 4,485

Shareholder Composition by Owner

Shareholder Composition by Owner

(Note) Figures in the pie chart are rounded to the first decimal place, so the total may not add up to 100%.

Major shareholders

Name Shares Owned Ownership ratio
UHPartners2 Co., Ltd. 1,067,900 9.81%
UHPartners3 Co., Ltd. 818,200 7.52%
SIL, Inc. 815,100 7.49%
Hikari Tsushin K.K. 811,900 7.46%
Cosmo Oil Marketing Co., Ltd. 789,105 7.25%
The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (trust account) 681,200 6.26%
Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Company 672,000 6.17%
Sinanen Group Customer Stock Ownership Plan 449,116 4.12%
Idemitsu Kosan Co., Ltd. 379,128 3.48%
Rinnai Corporation 374,419 3.44%

1. The Company holds treasury stock of 2,169,811 shares but is excluded from the above major shareholders.
2. The ownership ratio is calculated after excluding treasury stock (2,169,811 shares).
3.The ownership ratio is rounded down to third decimal places.