Non-energy Business
Business Field
Business Field
Business Field
We are expanding our business fields beyond energy in order to better contribute to customers' business and lifestyles.
As a leading bicycle importer of Japan, the company imports and sells high-quality, affordable bikes, as well as well-known oversea brands such as DAHON. In addition, retail store "DAISHARIN" is running around the country.
●Product development/import ●Bicycle shop "Daisharin"
As a leading bicycle sharing company, to contribute upcoming "Mobility as a Service" society, to provide "THE LAST ONE MILE" for people transportation with safety and security under regularly maintenance.
Sinanen Ecowork contributes to realizing a recycling-oriented society through a stable supply of waste recycled fuels and materials such as wood chips and RPF (recycled fuels such as waste plastic and paper) and intermediate processing system of various mixed waste.
●Supply of waste recycled fuels and materials ●Recycling of waste wood
As a pioneer of inorganic antimicrobial agents, Sinanen Zeomic provides highly effective and safe antimicrobial agents for various purposes such as resin, fiber, and paint. With certifications from overseas regulators, more and more products have been adopted globally, such as Southeast Asia, Europe, the United States.
● Silver-based inorganic antimicrobial agent "Zeomic" ●Anti-odor/Odor adsorbent"Dushlite" ●Functional additives
Since its establishment in 1976, Minos has provided ERP systems for the LP gas business. Minos launched cloud-based PowerNetG4 services in 2013 and has provided Power CIS, a new function to respond to the liberalization of electricity retail sales, since 2016.
●Cloud-based LP gas ERP system ●Power CIS ●Account transfer payment collection service ●Centralized monitoring system
Sinanen Axia provides services to General maintenance for residential and non-residential buildings, hospitals, and commercial facilities, contracted operations and management of common-use spaces.
●Residential buildings maintenance ●Non-residential buildings maintenance ●Hospital and funeral home facility management ●Management of condominium management associations
Sinanen Facilities provides customers with a comfortable and safe living environment through installation, maintenance, and follow-up of air-conditioning, floor-heating, and heat source equipment for detached/apartment houses.
●Design, construction, and maintenance of air-conditioning and floor-heating equipment