Corporate Culture Reform and Work Style Reform

Corporate Culture Reform and Work Style Reform

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Corporate Culture Reform and Work Style Reform

Promoting corporate culture and work style reform

The Sinanen Holdings Group is promoting Corporate Culture Reform and Work Style Reform in order to make further progress and leaps toward the 100th anniversary of its founding in 2027.

A vision for corporate culture and work style reform

The Group has designated its organizational vision for the centenary of its founding in 2027 as "Spiral Up Company--a virtuous cycle of passion and exciting energy." In addition to the integrity that has been a strength our company has cultivated throughout our history, we will create a new culture of collaboration, challenge, and innovation, which will be brought into being by trusting and respecting others, thinking that addresses the actual substance of issues, with employees acting on their own initiative to turn passion and excitement into energy. We will transform these elements into a virtuous cycle that lets us achieve sustainable growth as an organization and as individuals, and allowing us to become a company that continues to be the choice of our customers.

Sinanen HD Group organizational vision for the 2027 centennial anniversary

Sinanen HD Group organizational vision for the 2027 centennial anniversary

The essence of corporate culture and work style reform is a style of thinking that enhances the individual and allows people to get the most out of each other. "Enhancing the individual" refers to the act of increasing one's value as an individual while making oneself more employable, while "getting the most out of each other," refers to D&I (Diversity and Inclusion), or in other words, respecting and recognizing individuals and leveraging the strengths of each.

The promotion and substance of corporate culture and work style reform at the Sinanen HD Group

The promotion and substance of corporate culture and work style reform at the Sinanen HD Group

*1 Individual value: Knowledge, behavioral characteristics, sense of ethics, ability to deal with change, etc.
*2 Improving employability: Becoming people who are needed everywhere (enhancing market value)


The Group has put in place a roadmap for achieving its organizational vision, "Spiral Up Company."
In the "Thawing" phase we will work from the integrity that is a strength of the Group, emphasizing trust (building relationships) and substance (real discussions) to create a foundation for reform, and will change the awareness of individuals.
In the "Change" phase we will carry out measures to create spontaneity, passion, and excitement, changing the behavior of individuals and workplaces.
In the "Establishment" phase we will implement measures that allow a range of ideas to occur on a daily basis--from the smallest improvements to huge innovations--throughout our organization, and thereby change our organizational culture. To put these into practice, we retain a constant awareness of challenges and cooperation as we work to promote reform.

The six-year corporate culture reform plan and important themes at Sinanen HD Group

The six-year corporate culture reform plan and important themes at Sinanen HD Group

Promotion structure

To bring our organizational vision, "Spiral Up Company," to reality, we redefined the themes of the work style reform that we had been working on since 2017, and in November 2020 we established a new organization called the "Group Reform Promotion Office" tasks with promoting work style reform in tandem with corporate culture reform. In doing this we have embarked on a full-blown reform of our corporate culture and work style throughout the entire Group.
Reforms to our corporate culture and work style are categorized into Group reforms intended to resolve problems that are common throughout the Group, and individual company reforms intended to address issues faced by specific companies.

Promotion structure

Promotion structure 推進体制

Content of activities

In corporate culture reform, we have designated reform in line with the workplace, reform decided on by everyone, and open reform as project commitments. Accordingly, rather than taking a top-down approach to deciding on a vision and policy and then enforcing them, as we have done in reforms to date, these reforms are characterized by the manner in which we have given credence to the opinions and intentions of our employees, with repeated discussions with management as we move forward.

In work style reform, we are continuing to promote the DX and other initiatives we began to introduce in fiscal 2017, while also inaugurating four new reform themes linked to the reform of our corporate culture: achieving work-life balance, promoting work style diversity, career development, and improving work quality. In making our work easier by enhancing operational efficiency and improving the systems and tools we use, we improve job satisfaction by creating opportunities for every employee to re-look at their own lives and the way they work, and to take an active role in shaping their careers.




Major initiatives for corporate culture and work style reform

Corporate culture reform Work style reform


Sinanen Holdings Work Style Reform Declaration
▪ Promotion centering on Sinanen Holdings
▪ Enforcement of management of working hours
▪ Improvements to the use of paid leave
▪ Optimization of workload though inventory of operations



Launch of work style reform projects across the Group
▪ Selecting project members from each Group company and starting initiatives
▪ Conducting surveys on employees
▪ Promotion of paperless operations
▪ Conducting initiatives to stimulate communication between groups

Corporate culture reform project starts
Instituting project commitments
Commitments: Reform in line with the workplace, reform decided on by everyone, open reform

▪ Started following a proposal from a volunteer to the company president
▪ Appointed a person in charge, and recruited project members from Group companies
▪ Held more than 100 roundtable meetings at workplaces throughout Japan to discuss organizational culture and work styles



Establishment of the Group Reform Promotion Office
▪ Established a new organization to promote both corporate culture and work style reform
▪ Asking the opinions of employees to gain an understanding of current corporate culture and work styles
▪ Held roundtable meetings in workplaces to discuss organizational culture and work styles, and face-to-face sessions where top management listens to opinions from the workplace
▪ Established an opinion box called "The VOICE" that allows management to respond directly to questions and suggestions from employees, as well as surveys on organizational culture
▪ Implemented management training in which management and administrators discuss corporate culture reform and take responsibility for it
▪ Held workshops to implement a Group organizational vision with management and those from the shop floor




Sinanen HD Group organizational vision "Spiral Up Company" completed
Four work style reform themes set
Themes: Achieving work-life balance, promoting work style diversity, career development, improving work quality

▪ Held "Vision Sharing Sessions" intended to share the vision and policies, and to achieve communications between operating companies
▪ Appointed a change leaders at each operating company and began initiatives at each aimed at achieving the organizational vision
▪ Held face-to-face sessions, organizational culture surveys, and management training regularly
▪ Held the first Spiral Up DAY to consider the first steps towards reform of our corporate culture




Carry out a range of action plans aimed at bringing "Spiral Up Company" to reality
▪ Renamed the "Vision Sharing Session" to "Spiral Up Session" to promote the adoption of the "Spiral Up" concept
▪ Ongoing implementation of management training and surveys on organizational culture
▪ Spiral Up Awards will be presented in recognition of examples of change in each workplace, and mental health and safety seminars and D&I seminars will be held throughout the company
▪ Action plans for corporate culture and work style reform will be implemented and monitored as required at each company




Enhancing leadership to promote stronger connections between senior management and frontline employees
Creating workplace environments where human resources can grow

▪ Expanding level-specific training to enhance leadership to promote stronger connections between senior management and frontline employees
▪ Strengthening cooperation with the Department in charge to create workplace environments where human resources can grow
▪ Increasing support for transformation leaders who promote reform at individual companies to ensure thorough adoption and implementation of new cultural values in more workplaces




Creating opportunities for "satisfying work" based on themes of passion and excitement
Creating a workplace where employees can utilize one another's strengths while expanding their perspectives and raising their outlook

▪ Take "surface" and "line" approach to management team in order to connect management and on-the-ground workplaces and promote transformation at each workplace
▪ Further strengthen transformation leader support to promote transformation of individual companies
▪ Strengthen cooperation between multiple departments in order to integrate a company culture transformation with the strategies of each business and function