Compliance and Risk Management
The Sinanen Holdings Group has a Risk Management and Compliance Committee that develops group-wide internal control, riskmanagement, and compliance systems.
The Sinanen Holdings Group has established a Charter of Corporate Conduct that declares to all the aim of all our employees and the value standards upon which their daily work is based. Based on this charter, Group employees observe and implement a code of conduct consisting of three themes.
This first theme means keeping our promises, earning the trust of others, and fulfilling our duties with an emphasis on responsibility and is the foundation of management of the Sinanen Holdings Group.
Making progress means to move forward despite all kinds of difficulty and improve the value of the Sinanen Holdings Group's existence. This is the basic spirit of our business.
This entails building our own character while experiencing joy in work, finding the fun in our jobs, and interacting widely with others. It expresses the qualities required of employees of the Sinanen Holdings Group.
Each and every officer and employee at the SINANEN HOLDINGS Group is committed to complying with laws and regulations and internal rules and engages in corporate activities based on high ethical standards guided by the three foundations: Shingi (keeping promises), Shinshu (making progress), and Rakugyo (feeling joy in work), which are the Group's values. In our Compliance Regulations, we also clearly state our respect for the human rights and diversity of all people involved in our corporate activities and our zero tolerance of harassment or inhumane conduct.
We provide various forms of employee education to raise individual compliance
awareness and ensure group-wide compliance. In fiscal 2023, compliance education was offered to all officers and employees of group companies via e-learning, and 98% of them participated.
Harassment prevention training was also provided to managers. As a daily form of group-wide awareness raising, the
Risk Management and Compliance Department regularly distributes the SINANEN HOLDINGS Group CSR News, which contains
general information on compliance efforts. The department also carries out year-round awareness-raising activities,
such as sharing compliance and risk management information through the intranet and in-house newsletters.
We are committed to the early detection and prevention of compliance violations. If an officer or employee of the Group becomes aware of internal fraudulent behavior or any workplace activity that may violate laws, regulations, rules of employment, or other internal rules, they can report it directly to special internal or external hotlines. We have also created a new online form for employees to submit whistleblower reports or to request help in harassment situations, seeking to create an environment that facilitates the reporting of violations and consultation. The online form can be quickly accessed using a QR code or web link, and users are prompted to provide all the necessary information, making the process easier and more efficient. Moreover, the Group's Compliance Regulations ensure that the whistleblower's identity is kept confidential, while protecting the individual from any disadvantageous treatment as a result of making a report. This ensures the effectiveness of the compliance hotline system.
Matters that have the potential to affect the business performance and financial standing of the Sinanen Holdings Group include the following. For more information, please click here.
●Risks specific to the energy business, one of the main businesses of the Group
1. Changes in the environment surrounding the energy industry
2. Risks posed by fluctuating temperatures
3. Intensification of competition in the energy industry
4. Risks related to security of petroleum and LP gas facilities and environmental pollution
●General risks in the Group's businesses
1. Credit risk related to customers
2. Risks associated with exchange rate fluctuation
3. Risks related to valuation of fixed assets
4. Risks related to investments, etc.
5. Risks related to entering new businesses
6. Risks related to expanding operations overseas
7. Risks related to product safety and quality
8. Handling personal information
9. Risks related to natural and other disasters
Recognizing the possibility of the above, we work to prevent and avoid occurrence as well as to minimize the impact in the event of their occurrence.
We hold data on LP gas and city gas consumers in the Energy Business and personal
information related to credit card transaction data at gas stations. To protect this personal information, the Risk
Management and Compliance Committee carries out educational programs for employees on protecting personal
information, has introduced an information security system that includes biometric authentication and encryption,
and has established various rules. We have established a Privacy Policy and Rules for the Protection of Personal
Information and are also working to minimize risks related to the handling of personal information. Group company
Minos Co., Ltd. is Privacy Mark-certified and has obtained ISO/IEC 27001:2013 and JISQ 27001:2014 certification in
relation to its information security management system (ISMS).
In addition, with the current increase in remote work, we have updated our security software and revised our network
settings from the standpoint of preventing information leaks as part of our ongoing implementation of information
security measures.
Stakeholders | Themes | Initiatives |
Customers | Personal information and privacy protection |
Consumer safety and the right to know |
Local Residents | Community-related rights |
Employees | Excessive and unreasonable working hours |
Health management |
Harassment and discrimination |
Contract Employees and External Partners | Workplace health and safety |