Analyst Coverage
Analyst Coverage
This is a list of research institutes that have analyzed the performance of our business and recommend or comment on our stock.
Company | Analyst | Report |
Shared Research Inc. | Team Coverage | Report ![]() |
This list is only intended to provide investors with information on the research institutes that analyze and forecast the Company's performance. The Company does not endorse or guarantee the forecasts, opinions, recommendations, etc. of these research institutes.
The list has been prepared based on information available to the Company as of publication.
As such, there may be research institutes not on the list, and it is possible that the information is not up to date or that it is not consistent with other information.
Research institutes analyze the Company's financial performance, business, technology, business environment, economic trends, and other information to forecast the Company's performance based on their own criteria.
Any actual investments are to be made at your own discretion based on your personal judgment.
Investor Relations

- BtoC Business(Retail/Wholesale Energy&Related Business)
Melife-West Co., Ltd.
Melife Co., Ltd.
Melife-East Co., Ltd.
- BtoB Business(Energy Solution Business)
Sinanen Co., Ltd.