Diversity and Inclusion
The Group strives to create workplace environments that encourage more women to seek and be appointed to management positions. Our initiatives include relevant training sessions and networking events for women. We also promote the empowerment of women and gender equality by inviting outside speakers to lead seminars on diversity and inclusion.
The Group actively hires specialists to enhance both its expertise and its diversity, leading to the creation of new value. New hires are provided support through training.
Sinanen Holdings Co., Ltd. is a member of the Accessibility Consortium of Enterprises (ACE), a general incorporated association of more than 20 major corporations throughout industry and business categories who share the goal of establishing a new model for employing people with disabilities. We consider disability to be part of individuality and proactively hire people who can play an active role in the Company.
In line with the respect for diversity clearly stated in our Compliance Regulations, we are working to raise awareness of issues faced by the LGBTQ+ community. These activities are conducted through our in-house newsletter and online seminars.