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Greetings from the incoming President

The mission of the Sinanen Holdings Group is to "contribute to realizing a comfortable life for all customers in their communities through energy and home & life services." Centered around energy sales for households and corporations, many businesses are operated, including building maintenance services and share cycle services, etc.
In fiscal year 2023, Sinanen Holdings faced very difficult results. We recognize that a major factor was bearing significant losses from the loss margin in the electricity business. However, we sincerely accept that we were unable to meet everyone's expectations. We will clarify our management responsibility and take all efforts to recover results in fiscal year 2024 by reforming the management structure.
We will also promote the enhancement of electricity supply and demand management with the aim of building a system that can secure earnings once again. Specifically, in the B to B business, we will promote transition to market-linked plans and reduce loss risks. Also, in the B to C business, we will participate in balancing groups (representative agreement system) with other companies, and outsource power procurement and supply and demand management. We forecast an operating profit of 2,800 million yen in consolidated results for fiscal year 2024 by enacting improvement measures based on the situation from fiscal year 2023.
While taking efforts for immediate improvement of results, we will also continue to strive for reforms looking toward medium-to-long-term growth. We will now transform employee awareness from being an energy company to a service company, and provide services appropriate to the area. As we once decided to shift to the retail business and expanded our LP gas-related businesses for future growth, we will expand our retail services to further strengthen our downstream strategy.
Also, we will redevelop domestic business foundations. In 2015, we shifted to a holding company structure and emphasized optimization of each business. On the other hand, the vertical business structure became fixed, so that there were cases of multiple business companies in the same area providing similar services. In the future, we consider it necessary to both take stock of the products and services provided in each area and reconstruct the business portfolio after grasping the Group's value proposition by considering the products and services that can be provided to each customer in specific regions. Specifically, we will integrate group businesses by area, build a customer base, and implement a well-balanced regional strategy. We aim to transform into a company responsible for providing high quality services close to the region by developing the Group's maintenance business network throughout the country.
In addition, we will continue to develop new businesses for future growth. We are considering new businesses that will contribute to decarbonization through the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, such as solar sharing, promotion of EV use, and bio fuels.
The Group is approaching its 100th anniversary in 2027. Starting from making solid fuels such as coal briquettes and charcoal briquettes, we have fulfilled our responsibility as an energy company and have operated a wide-ranging business to support society and customers in various shares while changing products and services based on the changes in the times. The Group logo mark is the image of a flame. In the future, the Group will transform into a company that will continue to light this "flame of energy" as a "flame of service."
June 26, 2024
Sinanen Holdings Co., Ltd.
Taro Nakagome, President and CEO
Company Information

- BtoC Business(Retail/Wholesale Energy&Related Business)
Melife-West Co., Ltd.
Melife Co., Ltd.
Melife-East Co., Ltd.
- BtoB Business(Energy Solution Business)
Sinanen Co., Ltd.