Social Media Policy
This Social Media Policy (hereinafter referred to as "this Policy") prescribes the basic policy for the posting of information on social media (includes social networking services and social networking websites (hereinafter referred to as "SNS")) by Sinanen Holdings Co., Ltd. or an affiliate thereof (hereinafter collectively referred to as "the Company"), as well as the conditions for the use (in addition to browsing, includes reactions such as replies, reposts, comments, and likes. Hereinafter the same) by customers of the official SNS accounts of the Company (hereinafter referred to as "Official Account of the Company"). It should be noted that "Official Account of the Company" refers to that which has been established and is being operated by the Company on the service platform of an external social media platform providers.
The Company, in the event of a customer having used an Official Account of the Company, shall regard said customer as having agreed to this Policy. Please refrain from using Official Accounts of the Company if you are unable to agree to this Policy.
1. Basic Policy of the Company Concerning the Use of Social Media
- The Company conducts promotions, communication activities, announcements, and public relations activities, etc., through the use of various social media with the objective of building even better relationships with our customers and all social media users.
- The Company uses social media with sufficient awareness and constant attention to the impact that the information we transmit on social media can be accessed by an unspecified number of people. The Company also understands that once information is disseminated, it cannot be completely deleted. There, in the operation of social media, the Company will strive to avoid disseminating information that is incorrect or misleading.
- The Company complies with its various internal regulations, such as the Privacy Policy and Basic Policy on Information Security, and makes efforts to safely operate Official Accounts of the Company.
- In operating social media, the Company will comply with applicable laws and regulations and respect the rights of third parties, including fundamental human rights, portrait rights, privacy rights, copyrights, and trademark rights.
- The Company recognizes that information disseminated on social media may affect its social reputation, and the Company will not disseminate information that may cause speculation when referring to facts, etc. related to the Company on social media.
- The Company shall disseminate no information of the following types. In the unlikely event that information is disseminated that falls under any of the following types, the Company will promptly delete or correct the information.
- Information that may infringe on the portrait rights, privacy rights, intellectual property rights, or other rights of others
- Information on issues related to the social reputation of others
- Information that may damage the reputation or credibility of others
- Information that may damage the Company's reputation or integrity
- Information that may contain sexually explicit images or statements
- Information that may facilitate unauthorized access
- Discriminatory information
- False information
- Confidential Company information
- Non-public information about the Company's business partners for which the Company has a confidentiality obligation
- A customer's personal information
- In addition to the preceding items, information that may be offensive to public order and morals if such information is disseminated
- In the event of the Company or any of its officers, employees, or other related parties having violated this Policy, the Company will take appropriate action in accordance with the Company's internal regulations.
2. Disclaimers of the Company
- The information posted by the Company on the Official Accounts of the Company do not necessarily represent official announcements or official opinions of the Company. Please check the Company's website and its news releases, etc., for official announcements and official opinions.
・Sinanen Holdings Co.,Ltd. https://sinanengroup.co.jp/en/
・Melife-West Co., Ltd. https://www.melife-west.co.jp/
・Melife Co., Ltd. https://www.melife.co.jp/
・Melife-East Co., Ltd. https://melife-east.co.jp/
・Sinanen Co., Ltd. https://sinanen.com/en/
・Sinanen Bike Co., Ltd. https://corp.daisharin.co.jp/
・Sinanen Mobility Plus Co., Ltd. https://www.sinanen-mplus.com/
・Sinanen Ecowork Co., Ltd. https://sinanenecowork.com/
・Sinanen Zeomic Co., Ltd. https://www.zeomic.co.jp/en/
・Minos Co., Ltd. https://www.minos.co.jp/
・Sinanen Axia Co., Ltd. https://sinanenaxia.co.jp/
・Sinanen Facilities Co., Ltd. https://www.sinanen-f.com/
- The Company pays close attention to the accuracy of the information posted on Official Accounts of the Company, but does not guarantee accuracy, and there may be cases where the content is revised at a later date. In addition, the Company shall not bear any responsibility for difficulties and damage incurred through the use of an Official Account of the Company by a customer, or the non-use of an Official Account of the Company by a customer, including in relation to the content posted by the Company on an Official Account of the Company and the use of websites linked to from an Official Account of the Company.
- Customers shall use Official Accounts of the Company at their own risk. The Company shall not bear any responsibility for difficulties and disputes that arise between users, including customers, and between users, including customers, and third parties, in relation to Official Accounts of the Company.
- The Company may change the content and format of a service on an Official Account of the Company, or may suspend or close an account, without notice.
3. Prohibitions for Customers
Customers using an Official Account of the Company must not perform any actions falling under (or may fall under) the following items during their use.
- Acts that infringe upon the rights and interests of the Company, other users, and other third parties
- Acts involving slandering, insulting, or damaging the honor, credibility, or privacy, etc., of the Company, another user, or another third party (includes acts involving the disclosure of personally identifiable information such as the email address, telephone number, address, and image, etc., of officers and employees of the Company, or of other users and other third parties), or acts that cause hindrance to the performance of business
- Acts that violate the Public Offices Election Act
- Acts involving solicitation to join a religious group or other group or organization
- Acts involving solicitation for investment, donation, funding, or the purchase of products or services, etc.
- Acts involving the introduction or solicitation to view another website that is deemed inappropriate by the Company or acts involving the use of an Official Account of the Company as a means to download files
- Acts involving the diversion of information obtained through an Official Account of the Company for commercial purposes
- Acts involving the use of an Official Account of the Company to send harmful programs or viruses, etc., such as viruses that interfere with the normal functioning of computer software and hardware, to the Company, other users, and other third parties
- Acts involving the posting of information and content for which the customer does not have the proper authority to post on SNS
- Acts involving the obstruction of the operation of an Official Account of the Company by the Company or the use of an Official Account of the Company by another user or another third party
- Acts involving access to an Official Account of the Company through fraudulent means, such as hacking, and acts involving the monitoring or duplicating of all or a part of an Official Account of the Company
- Other acts that violate the terms of use prescribed by the applicable SNS service provider, public order and morals, laws and ordinances, or penal laws, or which are deemed to be inappropriate by the Company
If a customer has violated this Policy, the Company may delete the comments posted by the customer, or may restrict use of the Official Accounts of the Company by such a customer, and the customer shall not raise any objection to this.
4. Responsibility in the Case of a Violation of This Policy by the Customer
In the event of a customer having violated this Policy, or having caused tangible or intangible damage to the Company, another user, or another third party in relation to their use of an Official Account of the Company, such a customer shall compensate for this or resolve this by other means at their own responsibility and expense, and shall not cause any encumbrance or inconvenience to the Company.
5. Attribution of Intellectual Property Rights
Copyright, portrait rights, and all other rights, such as for copyrighted works, that are included in the information posted by the Company on an Official Account of the Company shall be attributable to the Company or the right holder that has allowed use by the Company (hereinafter referred to as "Right Holder"). The customer shall respect the rights of the Company and the Right Holder, and shall not use, reprint, duplicate, distribute, or modify, etc., these beyond the range of personal use of an individual prescribed in the Copyright Act or the range explicitly allowed under other laws without the consent of the Company or the Right Holder.
6. Amendment of This Policy
The Company may amend the content of this Policy without obtaining the consent of the Customer. In such a case, the amended version of this Policy shall enter into effect at the time it is posted by the Company on the website of the Company or is announced by other method, and the amended version of this Policy shall be applied from thereon.
7. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
This Policy shall be governed, construed, and applied in accordance with Japanese law.
The Tokyo District Court shall be the agreed court of exclusive jurisdiction in the first instance for disputes concerning the use of Official Accounts of the Company and this Policy.
Established July 4, 2022
Revised April 20, 2024
Sinanen Holdings Co., Ltd.
Taro Nakagome, President and CEO

- BtoC Business(Retail/Wholesale Energy&Related Business)
Melife-West Co., Ltd.
Melife Co., Ltd.
Melife-East Co., Ltd.
- BtoB Business(Energy Solution Business)
Sinanen Co., Ltd.