Non-Financial Goals
The SINANEN HOLDINGS Group believes that non-financial goals are crucial for achieving sustainable competitiveness over the medium and long terms. Accordingly, two non-financial goals have been included in the Third Medium-Term Management Plan. The first goal is related to climate change action, specifically, to transform the business portfolio to help build a carbon-free world. The Group aims to fulfill its responsibilities as a comprehensive energy services provider and help build a carbon-free world by striving to become carbon neutral. The second goal is to raise the market value of employees. By accelerating its human capital management, the Group aims to align employee and corporate growth, ultimately achieving an increase in corporate value. As we approach our 100th anniversary, we are committed to fulfilling our responsibilities as we pursue even further advancements and breakthroughs. We made a comprehensive list of social issues that are important to the SINANEN HOLDINGS Group and its stakeholders. Based on the Group's mission and values, we then reviewed the issues in terms of their importance and urgency. After subsequent discussions by the Sustainability Promotion Committee, and deliberations among the management team, the Group's non-financial goals were approved by the Board of Directors.Non-Financial Goals for Sustainable Competitiveness
Non-Financial Goals 1
Transform the Business Portfolio to Help Build a Carbon-Free World
GHG Emissions
(Scopes 1and 2)Carbon Productivity
(Scopes 1 to 3)
Fiscal 2030
Fiscal 2050
Fiscal 2027
50% reduction
(compared to FY2016)Carbon
Neutrality6% increase
(compared to FY2016)
Non-Financial Goals 2
Raise the Market Value of Employees
Fiscal 2027
Training TimePercentage of Management
Positions Held by Women
At least 4.0
25.0 hours
Process for Identifying Non-Financial Goals