Business Field
BtoC Business
(Retail/Wholesale Energy&Related Business)

Dividing Japan into four areas: Hokkaido, Tohoku, Kanto, and the west of Central Japan. We contribute to customers’ comfortable lives in each area by selling energy such as LP gas and kerosene, proposing optimal solutions such as renovation and housing equipment, and providing life-related services including house cleaning.
Type of business
Energy Business / Home Business / Life Business
BtoB Business
(Energy Solution Business)

The Sinanen Holdings Group offers a wide variety of energies such as petroleum, gas, and electricity. Departments collaborate with each other to propose services and solutions matching customer needs while proactively engaging in the global business and creating new businesses.
Type of business
Petroleum Business / Solution Business / Electricity Business / Global/New Business
Non-energy Business

We are expanding our business fields beyond energy in order to better contribute to customers’ business and lifestyles.
Type of business
Bicycle Business / Share Cycle Business /
Environment and Recycling Business /
Antimicrobial Business / System Business /
Building Management Business

- BtoC Business(Retail/Wholesale Energy&Related Business)
Melife-West Co., Ltd.
Melife Co., Ltd.
Melife-East Co., Ltd.
- BtoB Business(Energy Solution Business)
Sinanen Co., Ltd.