Stock Information
Basic Information
Introduce basic information about our stock.
Introduce basic information about our stock.
Dividend Policy
Introduce the our policy regarding dividends payments.
Introduce the our policy regarding dividends payments.
Shareholders Meeting
Conovocationnotice of shareholders meeting and other related materials are posted.
Conovocationnotice of shareholders meeting and other related materials are posted.
Shareholder Procedures
Introduce on shareholder procedures.
Introduce on shareholder procedures.
Analyst Coverage
Introduce the list of research institutions that study and analyze our performance.
Introduce the list of research institutions that study and analyze our performance.
Stock Chart
Can be checked the latest stock price & volume on the graph.
Can be checked the latest stock price & volume on the graph.
Investor Relations

- BtoC Business(Retail/Wholesale Energy&Related Business)
Melife-West Co., Ltd.
Melife Co., Ltd.
Melife-East Co., Ltd.
- BtoB Business(Energy Solution Business)
Sinanen Co., Ltd.