Press Release
Thoughts at the Beginning of the Year 2021
~ In anticipation of a carbon-free society, promoting the creation of a corporate culture and foundation that adapts to change ~
President & CEO
Masaki Yamazaki
I wish everyone a happy new year.
Last year was a year in which the novel coronavirus raged all over the world. It had a great impact on the economy and society, forcing us to make decisions and respond at an unprecedented speed. Our way of life changed, such as working from home, and new ways of doing things took root. In the energy industry, we are changing our direction towards the realization of a global "carbon-free society". The Japanese government has also set a goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2050, further boosting the momentum for the introduction of renewable energy. On the other hand, there has been a decrease in gas consumption due to the population decline and changes in lifestyle, while the trend of market liberalization is speeding up.
In the midst of these major changes in the environment, our Group launched the Second Medium-Term Business Plan in April 2020. These three years are positioned as a period of infrastructure development as we make a big leap towards 2027 when we reach the 100th anniversary of our founding. Our slogan is "Challenging New Worlds with Big Sky-thinking". With "(1) improvement of capital efficiency", "(2) execution of investment to achieve sustainable growth", and "(3) changing the way of thinking, customs and behavior among employees" as pillars, we are promoting our transformation into a company with new values so that we can continue to grow sustainably. To achieve this, the growth of each and every employee is essential. Along with the start of the Second Medium-Term Business Plan, we launched a corporate culture reform project, and in the first year we interviewed executives and employees of Group companies. This year, we will work toward solving the problems that came into view, and we will continue to build a corporate culture and foundation that will support the growth of our Group in the future.
This year as well, the movement toward a carbon-free society will accelerate further. In retrospect, the energy industry has always been one of constant change. Our Group has adapted to these changes and has continued to evolve. Even in an era of increasing uncertainty, through the growth of each employee, we will continue to build a strong company that grows sustainably without being affected by any changes in the external environment. Through our comprehensive service businesses for energy, home and life, as a united Group, we will contribute to the comfortable lives of our customers and will work toward the realization of a carbon-free society.
We look forward to your continued help and support this year as well.
Founded in 1927, SINANEN HOLDINGS CO., LTD. is the holding company of our energy service corporate Group. With our Group mission to "contribute to realizing a comfortable life for all customers in their communities through energy, home and life services", we provide an energy wholesale and retail peripheral business for consumers, an energy solution business for corporations, and non-energy businesses (bicycle-sharing business, environmental & recycling business, system development business, antibacterial business, and building maintenance & management business, etc.) We are also strengthening our corporate efforts toward the realization of a carbon-free society.
[Contact information for the media]
Yoshida, Kimura and Takeshima, public relations IR team, corporate planning department, SINANEN HOLDINGS CO., LTD.
TEL : +81-3-6478-7807 FAX : +81-3-6478-7824 E-mail : kouhou@sinanengroup.co.jp
Press Release PDF
Thoughts at the Beginning of the Year 2021
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