Press Release
Sinanen's Logistics Subsidiary to Reduce its Annual CO2 Emissions of Approximately 566 Tons From its Fuel Transport Vehicles to Effectively Zero
- Achieved Through the Adoption of Next-Generation Biodiesel Fuel and the Use of Voluntary Credits -
Energy solutions provider Sinanen Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, President and CEO: Naoki Shimizu), a subsidiary of Sinanen Holdings Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, President and CEO: Masaki Yamazaki), a comprehensive energy, housing, and daily-life services provider, is pleased to announce the adoption of Susteo, a next-generation biodiesel fuel provided by Euglena Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director and President: Mitsuru Izumo) and the start of utilization of voluntary credits*1 for their own fuel transport vehicles operated by Sinanen's subsidiary Synergy Transport Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Sapporo City, Hokkaido, Representative Director and President: Kazunori Nemoto), which transports petroleum products, to reduce CO2 emissions from transportation.
■Synergy Transport will reduce CO2 emissions from its own fuel transport vehicles to practically zero.The company will supply fuel not only for its own use, but also to companies aiming to reduce CO2 emissions going forward
Efforts to reduce CO2 emissions and preserve and strengthen their absorption are accelerating in Japan in pursuit of achieving a decarbonized society with virtually zero CO2 emissions by 2050 (carbon neutrality).
In the midst of this environment, Sinanen has started handling Susteo at Sinanen Oil Square Tsurumi in Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture, one of the petroleum supply facilities that support infrastructure nationwide*2, and is working on reducing CO2 emissions. To further reduce CO2 emissions, Synergy Transport has started utilizing Susteo for the fuel used in its own fuel transport vehicles from today, along with the use of voluntary credits.
This initiative enables all transport vehicles owned by Synergy Transport to transport petroleum products with virtually zero CO2 emissions, and it is expected to reduce CO2 emissions by about 566 tons annually.
Sinanen plans to provide fuels that contribute to achieving the targets, such as Susteo and fuel with carbon credits, not only for use within its Group companies but also to companies that have set CO2 emission reduction targets.
Sinanen will continue to contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions by expanding the introduction of renewable energy toward the realization of a decarbonized society.
Synergy Transport's own fuel transport vehicles
■About Susteo, a next-generation biodiesel fuel
Susteo is a next-generation biofuel provided by Euglena. It is made from highly sustainable biomass raw materials without hampering food supply or causing problems such as deforestation. Susteo emits CO2 at the combustion stage just like ordinary diesel fuel, but the plants and algae that it is made of absorb CO2 through photosynthesis during their growth, offering the potential to help realize carbon neutrality, a state of virtually zero CO2 emissions during fuel use. Susteo, a next-generation biodiesel fuel, is a hydrocarbon*3 fuel with properties equivalent to those of fossil fuel-derived diesel fuel, allowing it to be used without adjustment in existing vehicles.
*1. Voluntary credits are part of a mechanism for carbon offset, allowing the trading of CO2 emission reductions to offset greenhouse gas emissions that are difficult to reduce, issued by private companies, NGOs, and other organizations.
*2. Sinanen Co., Ltd. press release dated December 26, 2023, "Launch of trade in next-generation biodiesel fuel contributing to reduction of CO2 emissions" (https://sinanengroup.co.jp/en/news/sinanen/231226723)
*3 A generic term for a molecule composed only of carbon and hydrogen, and is the main component of products such as petroleum and natural gas.
■About Sinanen Co., Ltd.: https://sinanen.com/en/
Sinanen Co., Ltd. is a corporate energy service company of the Sinanen Holdings Group. We are operating a wide range of businesses such as petroleum product sales, renewable energy investment, electric power sales, and solar power generation maintenance.
■About Synergy Transport Co., Ltd.: https://synergy-t.com/
Synergy Transport Co., Ltd. transports essential petroleum products in cold regions. It transports kerosene, gasoline, diesel and other petroleum products to oil facilities and gas stations in Hokkaido.
■ Sinanen Holdings Co., Ltd.: https://sinanengroup.co.jp/en/
Founded in 1927, Sinanen Holdings Co., Ltd. is the holding company of a corporate group offering comprehensive services related to energy, housing, and daily life. With the mission of the Group to contribute to realizing a comfortable life for all customers in their communities through energy and home & life services, we provide Retail/Wholesale Energy & Related Business for consumers, Energy Solution Business for corporations, and non-energy businesses such as bicycle, bicycle sharing, environmental and recycling, system development, antimicrobial, building management and maintenance, and other services. We are also strengthening efforts to develop new environmentally-friendly businesses and corporate initiatives to achieve a decarbonized society.
[Contact for inquiries about the biofuel business]
New Business Development Team, Petroleum Business Division, Sinanen Co., Ltd.
Tsurumi, Saito, and Hosooka
Tel: +81-3-6478-7878 Fax: +81-3-6478-7876 E-mail: sn-sekiyushinki@sinanengroup.co.jp
[Media inquiries]
Yamamoto and Hirano, Business Management and PR Section, Corporate Management Department, Sinanen Co., Ltd.
Tel: +81-3-6478-7897 Fax: +81-3-6478-7903 E-mail: sinanen-kouhou@sinanengroup.co.jp
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