Press Release
[Bicycle sharing user survey] 60% of users began use after the COVID-19 pandemic began The top purpose for use is "shopping/errands in the neighborhood"
Approximately half of users’ companies “recommend/permit use for commuting and during work”
Sinanen Holdings Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, President and CEO: Masaki Yamazaki, hereinafter "Sinanen Holdings"), a comprehensive energy-, housing-, and daily-life services provider, and its subsidiary Sinanen Mobility Plus Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, President and Representative Director: Miwa Mitsuhashi, hereinafter "Mobility Plus"), a mobility business provider, performed the "Bicycle sharing survey," the results of which are below.
This survey targeted 309 men and women between the ages of 15 and 69 living in Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama, or Chiba prefectures. Respondents answered that they had used a bicycle sharing service within the past three months.
■ Topics
- 60% of users began use after the COVID-19 pandemic began
- The top purpose of both men and woman was "shopping/errands in the neighborhood"
- Three out of four users use the bicycle sharing service despite having their own bicycle
- 45.7% of companies and organizations where bicycle sharing service users are employed recommend/permit use for commuting/during work
- Respondents stated services were appealing due to "pedal assist electric bicycles," "maintaining social distance," "eliminating lack of exercise," and "providing refreshment."
■ Survey overview
Survey contracted by: Sinanen Holdings Co., Ltd. and Sinanen Mobility Plus Co., Ltd.
Survey performed by: Macromill, Inc.
Survey method: Internet research
Survey period: March 22-23, 2022
Survey subjects: Men and women between the ages of 15 and 69 living in Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama, or Chiba prefectures who have experience using bicycle sharing service in the past three months
Survey respondents: 309 persons (20s or younger: 22%, 30s: 22%, 40s: 31%, 50s: 19%, 60s: 6%)
■ 50% of users began use after the COVID-19 pandemic began
First, asking about the use period of bicycle sharing services, 34.0% responded that they began from April 2021 on. 26.5% responded that they started between April 2020 and March 2021. Therefore, 60% of respondents began use after the COVID-19 pandemic began.
■ The top purpose for use for both men and women is "shopping/errands in the neighborhood"
Asking about the most common purpose for using bicycle sharing services, the top answer for both men and woman was "shopping/errands in the neighborhood" (21.7%). However, even though it was the top for both, 17.0% of men gave this answer while 27.5% of women gave this answer, a 10-point difference that shows more women tend to use the service for this purpose.
Also, the overall number two reason was "transportation from home to workplace/school" (14.2%) and the fourth reason was "transportation from nearest station of workplace/school to the workplace/school" (8.7%). This demonstrates that many people use this service for commuting and going to school.
■ Three out of four users use bicycle sharing services despite owning their own bicycle
In this survey, it was found that 76.8% of respondents owned their own, showing that three out of four people use bicycle sharing services despite owning their own bicycle. Respondents offered the following actual use cases: "I often use bicycle sharing because it costs money to park my own bicycle at the station (Male in 30s)," "If the forecast shows that it will rain going to or coming back only, it is convenient to use bicycle sharing since I can take the bus when it is raining (Female in 20s)." This demonstrates that bicycle sharing is very convenient as the bicycles can be used based on destination and weather of that day.
■ 45.7% of bicycle sharing service users' companies/organizations recommend or permit use for commute or during work
Of the users in this survey, 265 were employed (including public servants, managers, self-employed, freelance, part-time). It was found that approximately half (45.7%) of their employing companies/organizations recommended or permitted (total of strongly recommend, recommend, and permit) the use of bicycle sharing service for commuting or during work. Among them, 81.9% of respondents actually use this service during commute/work, showing that use for business is growing.
■ "Pedal assist electric bicycles," "maintaining social distance," "eliminating lack of exercise," and "providing refreshment" were appealing characteristics
Besides using bicycle sharing services as a means of transportation, the top reason overall and for the female respondents was that bicycle sharing offered "pedal assist electric bicycles" (84.5% overall, 92.0% female). However, the top reason for male respondents was "eliminating lack of exercise/maintaining or improving physical stamina" (80.7%). For female respondents, "eliminating lack of exercise/maintaining or improving physical stamina" was the fifth reason, although 81.2% of female respondents gave this answer, a higher percentage than male respondents. Looking at the overall rankings, female respondents seemed to find more appeal in aspects "besides transportation."
Based on this survey, the number of bicycle sharing service users is trending up. In addition to using around the home for the purpose of "shopping/errands in the neighborhood," the use for business is growing as there are some companies/organizations that permit use during commute or work.
Also, many people who own their own bicycles still use bicycle sharing services. We see an expansion in the method of use that takes advantage of the merits of bicycle sharing services, such as being able to rent and return bicycles wherever one is to fit purpose and timing of use. The following opinions were also collected: "At stations, when I would be using a bus, I may use a bicycle sharing service so I can travel based on my own schedule. More than that, it is healthy and I can give my body the exercise it really lacks (Male in 50s)." "I can use it for transportation to maintain social distance and eliminate lack of exercise and stress that I felt during the COVID-19 pandemic (Female in 50s)." As seen in these opinions, people use the service for exercise or refreshment, not just as a means of transportation. As a form of mobility with added value, we can see the growth in bicycle sharing services.
Based on the results of this survey, Mobility Plus, a company that is engaged in the mobility business of Sinanen Holdings, a general energy service group, will contribute to the realization of a decarbonized society through the development of bicycle sharing services while focusing on future changes to consumer sentiment and behavior.
■ About Sinanen Holdings
Sinanen Holdings Co., Ltd. is a holding company of the general energy service group founded in 1927. With the mission of the Group to contribute to realizing a comfortable life for all customers in their communities through energy and home & life services, we provide Retail/Wholesale Energy & Related Business for consumers, Energy Solution Business for corporations, and non-energy businesses such as building management and maintenance, bicycle sharing, and other services.
■ About Sinanen Mobility Plus Co., Ltd.
Sinanen Mobility Plus Co., Ltd. is a company that is engaged in the mobility business of the Sinanen Holdings Group. It has developed the bicycle sharing service "DAICHARI," which operates approximately 2,200 stations and approximately 10,000 bicycles (as of March 31, 2022), mainly in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area and Osaka Prefecture, and offers a user-only bicycle sharing service. Through the development of shared bicycles, which is a form of environmentally friendly infrastructure, the company will contribute to the SDG Goal 11 "Sustainable cities and communities," Goal 13 "Climate action," and Goal 17 "Partnerships for the goals."
Company names and the names of products and services mentioned in this press release are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies.
[Media inquiries]
Yoshida, Kimura, and Kiryu, PR/IR Team, Corporate Planning Dept., Sinanen Holdings Co., Ltd.
Tel: +81-3-6478-7807 Fax: +81-3-6478-7824 E-mail: kouhou@sinanengroup.co.jp
[Contact for inquiries about this survey]
Public Relations, Corporate Planning Department, Sinanen Mobility Plus Co., Ltd.
Tel: +81-3-6478-7906 E-mail: daichari@sinanengroup.co.jp
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