Denko Anthracite Trading, the predecessor of Sinanen Holdings Co., Ltd., was founded on April 25, 1927. For further details, please see the "Company History" page.
How can I learn about the history of Sinanen Holdings?
When was the company first listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange?
It was listed on the Second Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange in 1963, and the change in specified stock was approved on the First Section in 1983. We transitioned to the Prime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange in accordance with the restructuring of market segments in 2022.
The top ten major shareholders can be found on the "Basic Information" page.
When is the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders? Also, when is the voting rights record date for the General Meeting of Shareholders?
The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders is held annually in late June. The voting rights record date for the General Meeting of Shareholders is March 31.
When is the shareholder fixed date for dividend payments?
The dividend shareholder fixed date is March 31.
When are dividends paid?
Year-end dividends are paid by the end of June.
Are there interim dividends?
No, there are not.
I'd like to learn about your dividend situation.。
Please see the "Dividend Policy" page for information on dividends.
Are there any shareholder benefits?
Not at this time.
Financial results questions
When is the fiscal year end?
In March.
When are the financial results published?
Year-end announcements are made from mid to late May each year. Please check the "IR Calendar" page for the quarterly financial results release schedule.
How can I obtain materials and data related to finances?