Initiatives for Employees

Initiatives for Employees

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Initiatives for Employees

The Sinanen Holdings Group recognizes that developing talent, reforming its corporate culture, and promoting diversity and inclusion are vital steps to achieving its mission and essential drivers of innovation. We believe that the aggregate market value delivered by all employees equals the corporate value of a company. Therefore, under the Third Medium-Term Management Plan, we have made raising the market value of employees one of our non-financial goals and established three important objectives related to it. The first is increasing employee engagement, which we consider the most critical factor for performance. We define engagement as a balanced relationship where employees and the Group mutually contribute to one another's growth. The second important objective is investment in education. This means expanding educational opportunities offered via company programs supporting the growth of employees. The third is diversity and inclusion. Here, we are actively promoting the advancement of women to foster greater workplace diversity and create new value.

[Most Important KPIs]

Targets for Issues of Particular Importance FY2022 FY2023 FY2027 (Targets)
Engagement Index ・Attractively communicating to employees the Company's purpose, mission, vision, and how the business contributes to society
・Providing learning opportunities to all highly motivated employees, developing mechanisms for career advancement, and building an environment that enables diverse employees to play active roles
3.3 3.46 At least 4.0
Note: Satisfaction index in organizational culture survey (full score: 5) Targets:The entire Group, except for four companies involved in building management and maintenance
Annual Education/ Training Time per Employee
(Excluding On-the-Job Training)
・Providing company support by offering systems that help people grow, to increase the market value of employees
・Expanding educational opportunities, to support individuals who wish to grow
16.4 hours 16.5 hours 25.0 hours
Percentage of Management Positions Held by Women ・Promoting diversity and creating new value
・Proactively appointing women and reflecting diverse viewpoints in management activities
5.1% 5.0% 20.0%

Promoting Further Reform of Corporate Culture and Work Style

Determined to adapt to the rapidly changing business environment and secure long-term success, we have adopted an organizational vision of becoming a "Spiral Up Company" --a first-choice organization with first-choice people. This vision drives our efforts to reform both our corporate culture and work style. In addition to such Group-wide efforts, corporate culture reform is being spearheaded from the ground up by transformation leaders within each operating company.

* A term that describes the current era of unpredictability based on the characteristics of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity.

Promoting Human Resource Development and Ensuring Appropriate Allocation of Human Resources

The Group aim to be an organization that can rapidly enhance its business foundation and maximize profitability by promoting career autonomy for employees and ensuring appropriate job placement.

Training Policies and Systems

[Human Resource Development Policies Designed to Promote the Growth of Every Employee]
①Gradually shifting from the traditional level-specific training to an emphasis on open-enrollment training that provides learning opportunities to all highly motivated employees
②Requiring basic skills training for everyone at the SINANEN HOLDINGS Group
③Establishing a career support system (career development programs for young employees, an internal recruitment system, etc.)
④Enhancing training using a human resource pipeline to ensure a reliable supply of senior management candidates
※CDP: Career Development Program

[Training System]


Human Resource Development and Career Support

We aim to build an organization that can rapidly enhance its business foundation and maximize profitability by promoting career autonomy for employees and ensuring appropriate job placement. As a measure to support the career advancement of employees, the Group has adopted the "protean career" concept, which supports the approach the Group is taking to corporate culture reform. We have designated certain essential capabilities and knowledge areas as basic skills for all employees of the Group, and they are required to acquire these skills within a certain period of time. Young employees in their first three years are trained in teams. We provide them with an environment that supports their growth and encourages them to take the initiative in advancing their careers.

Management Successor Training

The Group emphasizes successor training, treating it as a key management issue. We are building a human resource pipeline to enable timely identification and development of high-potential human resources, while ensuring the quantity and quality of senior management candidates, and clarifying related human resource development issues. As part of this, we conduct senior manager training and apply the plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycle method to promote executive candidate development.

[Training System]

Training targets Training Selection Method Positions Preferred Age Training Period
Current candidate Senior managers Succession plan Training participants are selected by the Sinanen Holdings president based on recommendations from the Company's senior management team and operating company presidents Company officers, general managers, and branch managers Over 40 Up to 3 years
Next-generation candidate Senior managers Next-generation senior manager training Training participants are selected by the Sinanen Holdings president based on recommendations from the Company's senior management team and operating company presidents Management position or higher Over 30 Up to 3 years
Next-generation leader training No stipulation 30 to 39 From 5 to 10 years

Establishment of an In-House Venture Program

The Group has launched an in-house venture program that aims to promote independent employee growth while enhancing individual ability to generate innovation. Employees can submit any new venture idea that aligns with the high-growth areas identified by the Growth Strategy Department of Sinanen Holdings. Based on this criterion, executives and the head of the Growth Strategy Department of the Company, and presidents of Group companies serve as judges to determine which proposals are eligible for the program. After a venture idea has been commercially implemented, regular reports are submitted to the Company's Management Meeting. A decision on whether to continue the new business is made within three years of its launch.

Diversity & Inclusion

We strive to create an environment that does not discriminate based on factors such as age, gender, or work position, empowering employees to fully demonstrate their individuality and potential.

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